Hospitality Ministry
Living Hope The most valuable earthly possession a person can have is a warm, supportive friendship. People without relationships are miserable people, but relationships cannot be purchased. They arise from our innermost needs, grounded in our God-given ability to love and care for others. A growing, healthy church nurtures healthy relationships. A loving heart seeking relationship is exemplified by Mary (Luke 10:38) and in Simon’s home (Luke 7:36-50). Courage to risk developing relationships is seen in Abigail (I Samuel 25) and in Rahab (Joshua 2). Our team have a system for visitor hospitality which will provide follow-up for their needs as appropriate. This usually includes providing a Sunday snack. It also means contacting each visitor, listening to each man and woman, and doing the things they need and expect in order to feel cared for by our congregation. The ministry also organizes a special fellowship lunch for new members once a year.
Organisation Structures

Picture The Hospitality Ministry committee comprises of the :

  • Hospitality's Title of the Head,
  • Hospitality's Committee .

is the current Title of the Head,

Prayer's Calendars and Events

  • No Events